Compensation Of The Victims Caused By The Use Of Weapons By Armed Officers At the Expense Of The Treasury

Defend Location: Shahid Motahari University
Degree: MS.
Role: Consultant


In Iran, the government compensates victims, not just through laws but also based on the faith-based principle of "a Muslim's right shall not be annulled." Public funds, seen as Muslim property, are used for this. However, Iran has non-Muslim citizens under its rule. The text questions whether public funds can be used to compensate these individuals and how religious rulings apply in such cases. The author emphasizes careful spending to prevent waste while ensuring all receive compensation. Laws like the "Law on Use of Weapons" specify government responsibility in certain cases. Insurance is suggested as an alternative funding method. Balancing religious and legal considerations, the text explores the complexities of victim compensation in Iran while advocating for responsible use of public resources.

tags: Damage and Injury Treasury Victim Sovereignty Compensation